You've spent years, and what felt like an eternity, getting your product ready for market. "If you build it, they will come"...they say! We got FDA clearance and made our big announcement. The phone lines are open, and our team is ready to answer the calls. Why aren't the phones ringing? Where are all of the sales?
Creating a new market with a breakthrough technology is no small feat. Forget the pro forma calculated TAM, how much product-market-fit research was done before you built the product? Are you solving a specific problem that has truly never been solved? Is it even a problem?
In the US healthcare economy, you must have compelling evidence in three major categories: Clinical, Operational and Financial return on investment. One of the most common, and often overlooked, requirements is strong clinical evidence that has been demonstrated in multiple studies to produce a similar outcome. This can take 2-3 years to complete and have peer-reviewed and published. Whatever you do, please do not skip this step! You can thank us later.
How can a hospital operationalize the product to improve their workflow and reduce clinician burnout? Do you have just in time distributors that deliver products multiple times per day or week? Is there room in the storage closet, nursing carts, on the IV pole, for another standalone monitor, etc.? Are you replacing something they are already using or made a significant investment procuring? Who is responsible for getting the product to the patient, nursing unit, or bedside? How much training is involved for the staff to use the product? These are all things to consider and have answers for before you start to scale.
The holy grail in healthcare: are you adding cost per patient or reducing cost per patient? Part of your clinical studies and research should include a repeatable financial story as well as the clinical impact. Does your product reduce costs, and can you prove it? If your product costs more than the current solution, what is the ROI for the health system? Do the math and make sure it's airtight, not a loose possibility.
If you can back up your clinical, operational and financial claims with multiple, repeatable studies, you will reduce your adoption curve. One final word of caution: the US Healthcare sales process will take 12-18 months. Happy selling.